
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - ActiveX Masked Edit Control


SftMask/OCX 7.0 Product Documentation

SftMask/OCX is an ActiveX control for the Windows™ operating system, offering many advanced data input and validation features.

Masked Edit Control

SftMask/OCX offers many unique features, which simplify data entry and data validation in an application. SftMask/OCX supports numeric, date/time and masked input in various, completely customizable forms.

  • Autocomplete and suggest feature with complete application control
    • Text
    • Files
    • Directories
  • Insert/overtype mode
  • Multilevel Undo
  • Built-in error image handling with tooltips for errors and warnings
  • Masked input with predefined place holders and user definable character ranges
    • Input mask can mix date, time, numeric input, mask and literals
    • No need for a prompt character (but possible) as input fields can use a font which underlines the text
    • Literal (constant) data is not underlined
  • Numeric data input (with formatting options and user-definable digits and fractions)
    • Optional popup calculator
    • popup window allowing intermediate calculations using +, -, *, /
  • Numeric (integer) data input
  • Date input with popup calendar
    • Built-in popup calendar
      • user-definable first day of week
      • optional week numbers
      • user event to highlight specific dates as the calendar is displayed
      • definable minimum/maximum date
    • Use the system's default date format or specify your own format
    • Date value easily retrieved and set
  • Time input
    • Use the system's default time format or specify your own format
    • Time value easily retrieved and set
  • Windows Themes support
  • Built-in caption, simplifies caption and edit control alignment, reduces the number of controls on a form
  • OLE drag & drop support
  • Optional data-bound mode using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)
  • Left or right alignment
  • Date/time, currency and numeric formatting functions
  • Control can display user-defined text when it doesn't have the input focus
  • Auto-advance to next control on the same dialog/form when data input is valid
  • Tab key can optionally be used within the control to move between different fields (such as in a date or time value)
  • Dual interfaces throughout for optimum performance
  • UNICODE support on all supported platforms
  • ATL based control, no MFC DLLs or other DLLs required (Comctl32.dll may be required for popup calendar use)
  • Not based on Windows Edit control class


Any application that you develop can use SftMask/OCX royalty-free in run-time only mode; design-time features are not available. Each user (developer) who needs access to design-time features must license a copy of SftMask/OCX.

Source Code

The source code for the control and property pages (written in Microsoft Visual C++ using the ATL framework) is optionally available under our Enterprise Licensing program. Any application that you develop can use SftMask/OCX royalty-free (some restrictions apply), as long as only the redistributable files are shipped with your application.

Languages Supported

SftMask/OCX supports all popular ActiveX (OCX) platforms, such as Visual Studio .NET, Visual Basic, Visual C++ and many more. Feature limitations may exist depending on the platform used. These are generally caused by the platform, rather than our control product, which implements the current ActiveX control standards specifications.

Environments Supported

SftMask/OCX supports Windows 2000 through Windows 10 and their server editions using the same set of properties, events and methods.

UNICODE character sets are fully supported.

DBCS character sets are not supported.

Windows 98 and Windows ME are no longer supported. For support of these platforms, SftMask/OCX 6.5 must be used instead.

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.